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What is Web-Development (Coding) and How to start it


We've already talked about coding (web developing and programming). We've also discussed coding layout and terminology and different computer languages. So if you can't find our previous lecture, go to our previous post first.

What is coding (Web-Developing and programming)? How to become a developer and get started?

Once you know the coding, you can continue.


There are basically two parts to web development, the first is front-end web development and the second is back-end web development. Now front-end means executing all code on client-side like HTML, CSS and JavaScript, while back-end means executing all code like PHP, ASAP, Java or Nudejs on server-side.

Explain in Details.

Next we will learn all the required languages. So our first course will be HTML then css then javascript and then back-end.

What is front-end web development?
In-Simple-Words: Front-end web development means creating a fully styled website that is created using three languages: html, css and javascript. We will learn more about html, css and javascript later. These three languages help us to create a complete website but it is not enough because many times we need server-side interaction (back-end) while these languages run on client-side.
In-Pro-Words: Front-end web development, also known as client-side development, is the process of creating and implementing the visual and interactive elements of a website or web application that users interact with. It involves the use of languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build the user interface and make it interactive. Front-end developers use these languages to create the layout and design of a website, and to make it responsive to different screen sizes and devices. They also use JavaScript to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to the website, such as form validation and creating animations. The goal of front-end development is to create a seamless user experience by making the website visually appealing, easy to navigate, and responsive.

What is client-side?
In-Simple-Words: Client-side means user's machine. When we browse a web page, the site-host-server (where the website is hosted) returns HTML, css, and javascript to the browser as requested by the browser, then the browser executes html, css, and javascript. And displays the result on the screen. Here in our machine the code is being processed which is called client-side process.
In-Pro-Words: Client-side refers to the operations or processes that are executed on the user's device or web browser, as opposed to on the server. In web development, client-side refers to the front-end or user interface of a website or web application. This includes the visual and interactive elements that users interact with, such as the layout, design, and interactivity. The client-side code, often written in languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, is executed by the user's web browser, and it is responsible for the rendering and display of the website. The client-side code is usually sent from the server to the user's browser and executed on the client-side. This is in contrast to server-side operations, which are executed on the server and not visible to the user.

What is back-end web development?
In-Simple-Words: Back-end web development means that the entire process of a website is implemented in the background through a specific server (server-side). Now pay attention, PHP is not a web language, it is a language that supports web development.
A browser can only understand HTML, CSS and JavaScript while PHP, ASAP and Java are processed through Server. The servers then return the HTML, CSS and JavaScript to the browser accordingly.
In-Pro-Words: Back-end web development, also known as server-side development, is the process of building and maintaining the server-side infrastructure of a website or web application. This includes the server, the application, and the database. Back-end developers are responsible for the server-side logic, database management, and the integration of the front-end with the back-end. They use programming languages such as PHP, Python, Ruby, and Java to build and maintain the server-side of the application, and typically use a framework like Ruby on Rails, Django, or Express.js to build the application. They also use databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, or SQL Server to store and retrieve data. The goal of back-end development is to make sure that the website or web application works smoothly, securely, and efficiently, by handling all the behind-the-scenes processes and operations.

What is server-side?
In-Simple-Words: Server-side means enforcing code on a specific server. A browser requests the server, the server processes the code of the requested page and returns it to the browser in HTML, CSS and JavaScript formats.
Server-side interaction is a secure way to add, delete, or modify data and information in a database.
It works dynamically and can occur in multiple environments. This means that a server with a Microsoft environment can run Microsoft applications, as are many websites based on tools. Converting binary [(streams (videos, audios or images)]], code editors or data extractor tools from other websites are coded in server-side languages such as php, asap, nodejs, java or python.
In-Pro-Words: Server-side refers to the operations or processes that are executed on a server, as opposed to on the user's device or web browser. In web development, server-side refers to the back-end or the infrastructure of a website or web application that is responsible for handling the server-side logic, database management, and the integration of the front-end with the back-end.
The server-side code, often written in languages such as Python, Ruby, PHP, and Java, is executed on the server, which is responsible for handling server-side operations such as database management, user authentication, and handling of HTTP requests. The server-side code also includes server-side frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Django, Express.js, and Spring, which provide a structure to build web applications and handle common web development tasks. The server-side code is not visible to the user and it is responsible for handling behind-the-scenes operations, such as data processing, communication with databases, and handling requests from the client-side.

Relation of front-end, back-end, client-side and server-side?
The basic relation of front-end, back-end, client-side and server-side is following:
front-end ≈ client-side
back-end ≈ server-side

Final Lines.

At last you have almost understood the essence of web development. We will learn all the courses one by one with the best kind.
So finally Web development is a constantly evolving field and a critical part of the modern digital landscape. With the increasing importance of the internet in our daily lives, web development skills are in high demand. From building simple websites to complex web applications, web developers have the ability to create and shape the online experience for users. It's a field that combines creativity, problem-solving, and technical skills, making it a challenging and rewarding career for those who are passionate about it.
If you have any questions about this, you can ask freely in the comments section. Coding is not difficult, it is complicated only for beginners. Once you start it, it will be easier according your learning ability.
One thing about coding is that coding is very interesting for creative people.

Posted by Mnzr chauhan
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Anonymous said…
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