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HTML Attributes: Types and Explanation Full Tutorial with Detailed Explanation of id and class


HTML attributes are additional parts of HTML tags. HTML attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. Learning HTML attributes is very important. The first part of HTML tags uses attributes as we know that almost all HTML tags have two parts, the first one is called the starting tag and the second is called the closing tag. Go to HTML all about - Learn HTML A to Z in Simple Words. What is HTML? to learn about basic of HTML.



This article is almost final in our HTML course. Before we read all about HTML, all the basic tags of HTML, the main tags of HTML, the main elements of HTML (special tags) and now we will learn the attributes of HTML. To make it easier to learn and understand, we are dividing HTML attributes into four groups according to their use, such as Identifier attributes, styling attributes,  functional attributes and Helping attributes.

Explain in Details.

Attributes also have two parts, the first is defined as a name and the second as a value and is associated with an equal sign "=" like  name="value" . A tag can have more than 1 attribute and an attribute can have more than 1 value. We cannot use numeric or special characters except the hyphen symbol (-) or space in the attribute name while space can be left between attribute values. If there is a space between attribute values, they will be two values ​​of the attribute such as  class="black bold"  whereas if we combine black and bold with hyphen symbol (-) it will be the single value as  class="black-bold" . HTML does not need to use attribute names in lowercase or uppercase letters but we recommend using lower case because it is compatible with XML.
  • Identifier Attributes.
Identifier Attributes used for identify any tag. The identifier usually has three attributes such as id, class and name attribution. The name attribute is used with input tags while the id and class attribution can be used with any tag. id and class are mostly used for attaching an element to CSS and JavaScript. In the future, we will learn about CSS and JavaScript, how to use them and how to integrate them with HTML.
  • Explain id & class in Detail.
If you want to get detailed information of ID and class, only a little attention is required.
Let's take the example of a school. So in a school we divide students into different groups.
So why do we do it? So that we can identify them according to their educational level. This system is called class. This shows that when we want to separate objects with the same value, we create classes of them. So when we want to give same style to multiple elements in documents we use class. A class is specified with a dot, similar to  .classname  in CSS. For example I've 5 html button. I want three buttons text color red and two button background cyne. In this case we need inly two CSS classes with required properties then we attach those classes with targeted elements. If you dont know about css then go to What is HTML, CSS & JS (JavaScript). Main Difference between HTML, CSS & JS (JavaScript)? this post.

color: red;
background: cyan;


<Button class="color-red">Button 01</Button>
<Button class="color-red">Button 02</Button>
<Button class="color-red">Button 03</Button>
<Button class="bg-cyan">Button 04</Button>
<Button class="bg-cyan">Button 05</Button>

You can use any class name as you want. You can also use more than one class for same element.
.ex-red{ color: red; }
.ex-bg{ background: black; }
.ex-shadow{ box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px cyan; }

<div class="ex-red ex-bg ex-shadow">Example</div>


When we want to identify students individually in a school, we use a specific roll number for each student which is actually the student's identity. According to ID rules we cannot use same ID for more than one person in a field and cannot use multiple IDs for same person. So an id is a very clean identification of an element in a document. We identify an id in CSS with # like #anyid.
  • Styling Attributes.
There are some styling attributes exist but the global styling attribute is "style" where you can directly attach CSS. Go to CSS & Basic of it to learn basic of CSS. Example of  styling attribute is  style="color: red;" .
<span style="color: red;">Assalam-o-Alaikum World!</span>

Assalam-o-Alaikum World!

Other styling attributes are width and height. Their values can be define as percent: from 100 like 85%, cm: centimeters, mm: millimeters, in: inches (1in = 96px = 2.54cm), px: pixels (1px = 1/96th of 1in), pt: points (1pt = 1/72 of 1in) and pc: picas (1pc = 12 pt).

Recommend: CSS Units, their relation and css default units.

<img alt="img tag" src="https://i.ibb.co/zrkCkWX/ftr.jpg" height="auto" width="100%"/>

img tag

  • Functional Attributes.

Functional attributes are used to attach instant or short-term JavaScript to the HTML tag. We will learn JavaScript in detail in the future. Functional attributes are also called HTML event and event handler attributes.
The following is an example of Functional attribute. When you click ("onclick" triger is a Functional attribute while "alert('Assalam-o-Alaikum World!');" is JavaScript function.)
<button onclick="alert('Assalam-o-Alaikum World!');">Tryit!</button>

Below is the almost whole list of Functional attributes.

Window Event Attributes

Window Events triggered for a window object and apply in <body> tag

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onafterprint js_script Script is run after the document is printed NEW
onbeforeprint js_script Script is run before the document is printed NEW
onbeforeunload js_script Script is run before the document is unloaded NEW
onerror js_script Script is run when any error occur NEW
onhaschange js_script Script is run when document has changed NEW
onload js_script Event fires after the page loading finished  
onmessage js_script Script is run when document goes in offline NEW
onoffline js_script Script is run when document comes in online NEW
onpagehide js_script Script is run when document window is hidden NEW
onpageshow js_script Script is run when document window become visible NEW
onpopstate js_script Script is run when document window history changes NEW
onredo js_script Script is run when document perform redo NEW
onresize js_script Event fires when browser window is resized NEW
onstorage js_script Script is run when web storage area is updated NEW
onundo js_script Script is run when document performs undo NEW
onunload js_script Event fires when browser window has been closed  

Form Events

Form Events triggered by perform some action inside HTML form elements.

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onblur js_script Event fire when element loses focus  
onchange js_script Event fire when element value is changed  
oncontextmenu js_script Event fire when context menu is triggered NEW
onfocus js_script Event fire when element gets focus  
onformchange js_script Event fire when form changes NEW
onforminput js_script Event fire when form get input field  
oninput js_script Event fire when element get input field NEW
oninvalid js_script Event fire when element is invalid NEW
onreset js_script Event fire when clicked on form reset button REMOVE
onselect js_script Event fire after allow to select text in an element  
onsubmit js_script Event fire when form is submitted  

Keyboard Events

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onkeydown js_script Event fire when pressing a key  
onkeypress js_script Event fire when press a key  
onkeyup js_script Event fire when releases a key  

Mouse Events

Mouse Events triggered by mouse action.

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onclick js_script Event fire when mouse click on element  
ondblclick js_script Event fire when mouse double click on element  
ondrag js_script Script is run when element is dragged NEW
ondragend js_script Script is run at end of drag operation NEW
ondragenter js_script Script is run when element has dragged to a valid drop target NEW
ondragleave js_script Script is run when element leaves valid drop target NEW
ondragover js_script Script is run when element is dragged over on valid drop target NEW
ondragstart js_script Script is run at start of drag operation NEW
ondrop js_script Script is run when dragged element is dropped NEW
onmousedown js_script Event fire when mouse button is pressed down on element  
onmousemove js_script Event fire when mouse pointer moves over an element  
onmouseout js_script Event fire when mouse pointer moves out an element  
onmouseover js_script Event fire when mouse pointer moves over on element  
onmouseup js_script Event fire when mouse button is released over an element  
onmousewheel js_script Event fire when mouse wheel being rotated NEW
onscroll js_script Event fire when element scrollbar being scrolled NEW

Media Events

Media Events triggered by common media elements like <img>, <audio>, <embed>, <object>, and <video>.

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onabort js_script Script is run when element is abort  
oncanplay js_script Script is run when file is ready for start playing NEW
oncanplaythrough js_script Script is run when file is played all way without pausing for buffering NEW
ondurationchange js_script Script is run when media length changes NEW
onemptied js_script Script is run when something unavailable/disconnects NEW
onended js_script Script is run when media has reach to end position NEW
onerror js_script Script is run when error occurs file loaded time NEW
onloadeddata js_script Script is run when media is loaded NEW
onloadedmetadata js_script Script is run when meta data are loaded NEW
onloadstart js_script Script is run when file being loaded NEW
onpause js_script Script is run when media is paused NEW
onplay js_script Script is run when media is ready to start playing NEW
onplaying js_script Script is run when media is actually start for playing NEW
onprogress js_script Script is run when browser is process of getting media data NEW
onratechange js_script Script is run when playback rate changes NEW
onreadystatechange js_script Script is run when ready state changes for each time NEW
onseeked js_script Script is run when seeking attribute value set to false, that indicate seeking has ended NEW
onseeking js_script Script is run when seeking attribute value set to true, that indicate seeking has active NEW
onstalled js_script Script is run when browser is unable to fetch media data for any reason NEW
onsuspend js_script Script is run when fetching media data is stopped before it is completely loaded for any reason NEW
ontimeupdate js_script Script is run when playing position has changed NEW
onvolumechange js_script Script is run each time volume is changed NEW
onwaiting js_script Script is run when media has paused(for buffer more data) NEW
  • Helping Attributes.
The Helping Attributes are used to make an element more describable or storing strings as a backup in a tag. Go to Data Types in coding to learn about string and related coding data types and names.
Helping Attributes can be built-in like title="value" and custom like data storing Attributes. Data store attributes are custom attributes that anyone can create. An example of a data store attribute is  data-url="https://mrdl.orgfree.com" . Hover on Tryit! button and Then their will be a title display as pop.
<button title="Click for Test" onclick="alert('Assalam-o-Alaikum World!');">Tryit!</button>

The other list of Helping Attributes is given below:

accesskey: is used to access keyboard shortcuts, but it may Varey in different browser.
in case of chrome browser accesskey are used to click an anchor tag, active/focus any tag.
<style> customtag1 textarea { width: -webkit-fill-available; height: max-content; } customtag1 textarea:focus { color: red; } customtag1 a:active { color: yellow; background: black; } </style> <customtag1> <textarea accesskey="t">Press Alt + t to focus me</textarea> <br><!--Press Alt + a to open link--> <a href="https://mrdl.orgfree.com" accesskey="a">Mr. Downloader</a> </customtag1>

Mr. Downloader

href: is used for anchor <a> and link <link> tag to specify another location or attaching file.
contenteditable: used to specify whether the text of the tag is editable or not. The two values of this attribute are true and false. The true value is the default value which means that if you only add contenteditable the content will be editable as  contenteditable="true"  while  contenteditable="false"  specified that the content is not editable.
<span contenteditable>This is Edit able as it is default of contenteditable</span> <br> <span contenteditable="true">This is Edit able as it is true value of contenteditable</span> <br> <span contenteditable="false">This is Edit able as it is false value of contenteditable</span>

This is Editable as it is default of contenteditable
This is Editable as it is true value of contenteditable
This is not Editable as it is false value of contenteditable

dir: Used to determine the direction of the element content. It has three values like ltr which means left to right, rtl which means right to left and auto which is the default.
Left to right:
<p dir="ltr">12345</p>
Right to left:
<p dir="rtl">12345</p>

Left to right:


Right to left:


draggable: an enumerated attribute indicating whether the element can be dragged, using the Drag and Drop API. It can have the following values:
true, which indicates that the element may be dragged.
false, which indicates that the element may not be dragged.
dropzone: an enumerated attribute indicating what types of content can be dropped on an element, using the Drag and Drop API. It can have the following values:
copy, which indicates that dropping will create a copy of the element that was dragged.
move, which indicates that the element that was dragged will be moved to this new location.
link, will create a link to the dragged data.
lang: This helps define the language of an element: the language that contains the editable elements, or the language in which the editable elements should be written to the user. The attribution format contains a "language tag" (made up of "language sub-tags" separated by hyphens).
part: part attribute consists of a list separated by the space of the name of the part of the element. Part names allow CSS to select and style specific elements in the shadow tray via :: part pseudo-element. It's like a class attribute.
ping: The ping attribution provides a list of URLs to be notified if the user follows the hyperlink. When the user clicks on the hyperlink, the ping attribute will send a short HTTP POST request to the specified URL.
This attribute is useful for monitoring / tracking. One or more valid URLs should be separated from the list by space.
rel: The rel attribute is used to describe the relationship of an object to a document. For example, when we want to attach a CSS file or a favicon to a web document, we use the rel attribute. This is only used with href attribute. It is used only with the href attribute. For Example:  <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/favicon.ico">  or  <a rel="nofollow" href="http://mrdl.orgfree.com/">Mr. Downloader</a> .
spellcheck: The spellcheck attribute explains whether the element can be checked for spelling errors. It may have the following values:
true, which indicates that the element should, if possible, be checked for spelling mistakes.
Wrong, which indicates that the element should not be checked for spelling mistakes.
target: Specifies where to display the linked URL. This is a name, or keyword, for browsing context: a tab, window, or  <iframe> . The following keywords have special meanings:
_self: Load the URL in the same browsing context as it is now. This is the default behavior.
_blank: Load the URL into a new browsing context. This is usually a tab, but users can configure the browser to use the new Windows instead.
_parent: Load the URL in the current parent browsing context. It behaves as if it were not a parent.
_top: Load the URL in the advanced browsing context (ie "top" browsing context which is the current ancestor, and has no parent). It behaves as if it were not a parent.
title: The title attribute specifies additional information about an element. Information is often displayed as tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element.
<!-- Below code is an example of an anchor tag, title attribute, target attribute and href attribute-->
<a title="Go to Downloader" href="http://mrdl.orgfree.com/" target="_blank">Mr. Downloader</a>

translate: translate attribution which is used to indicate whether the attribute values of an element and the values of its text node children are to be translated when the page is localized, or left unchanged. It may contain the following values:
Empty string or yes, indicating that the element will be translated.
No, that indicates that the element will not be translated.
type: type attribute is used to identify the type of element. It is only used with button tags, input tags and tags that are used to link external sources to the current document.
<input type="date">
<input type="range">
<button type="button">Button</button>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="example.css">
<script type="text/javascript">document.write("Hello JavaScript!");</script>
<embed type="image/jpg" src="https://i.ibb.co/zrkCkWX/ftr.jpg" height="auto" width="100%"/>

Final Lines.

If you are here, it means that you have learned a lot about html, because here our HTML is almost complete. Something may be missing, but it is almost done. We will learn the next developing HTML after CSS and JavaScript courses such as creating a clean web theme, creating tables and some other long topics like iframe etc.
And for regular web developing it is necessary to know CSS while JavaScript is recommended for web functionality.

Posted by Mnzr chauhan
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Anonymous said…
A great describing blog...
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much sir.
Unknown said…
It is really great explanation.