This post will cover CSS properties and their values. Before reading this
blog, it is highly recommended that you are familiar with CSS Colors,
CSS Units
Basics of CSS. Another prerequisite is that you must have basic knowledge of HTML to learn
CSS properties and their values make up about 80% of the CSS language. We will
learn a complete website development and design after completing this course.
The Table of content is given below
We have already learned the basics of CSS. CSS colors and units as mentioned
above. So focus again, CSS is just a "styling language". So the look,
responsiveness and style of the entire website is covered by CSS. To do this,
first we select an HTML element (tag) then we add a CSS property and value to
style it. What is a CSS selector, what is a CSS property and what is the value
of properties are explained in the previous post.
Explain in Details.
We will use a div tag and inline-css here so that we don't have to select html
tag by class or id each time. CSS using methods explanation can be found in
"basics of css" Post.
CSS has five background properties such as background-attachment,
background-color, background-image, background-repeat and background-position.
We could also use just one property 'background' to cover the above five
properties but this explanation would become long. So we will learn about CSS
background in a separate post. Now the example is given below.
<div style="background: red;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
The border property is used to define the border of an element. It has many
other properties and values which will be explained in detail later. An
example of this is as follows.
<div style="background: red;border: 2px solid aqua;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
The bottom property is used along with other CSS properties, which we will
explain later.
Color is already explained in css color post . The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;color: blue;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
The cursor property specifies whether or how to display the mouse cursor
when pointing to an element. There are many values of cursor property. Hover
the mouse to check result. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;cursor: alias;">This is example alias</div><div style="background: red;cursor: all-scroll;">This is example div</div><div style="background: red;cursor: auto;">This is example auto</div><div style="background: red;cursor: cell;">This is example cell</div><div style="background: red;cursor: zoom-out;">This is example zoom-out</div><div style="background: red;cursor: col-resize;">This is example col-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: context-menu;">This is example context-menu</div><div style="background: red;cursor: copy;">This is example copy</div><div style="background: red;cursor: crosshair;">This is example crosshair</div><div style="background: red;cursor: default;">This is example default</div><div style="background: red;cursor: e-resize;">This is example e-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: ew-resize;">This is example ew-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: grab;">This is example grab</div><div style="background: red;cursor: grabbing;">This is example grabbing</div><div style="background: red;cursor: help;">This is example help</div><div style="background: red;cursor: move;">This is example move</div><div style="background: red;cursor: n-resize;">This is example n-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: ne-resize;">This is example ne-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: nesw-resize;">This is example nesw-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: pointer;">This is example pointer</div><div style="background: red;cursor: progress;">This is example progress</div><div style="background: red;cursor: no-drop;">This is example no-drop</div><div style="background: red;cursor: none;">This is example none</div><div style="background: red;cursor: not-allowed;">This is example not-allowed</div><div style="background: red;cursor: ns-resize;">This is example n-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: ns-resize;">This is example n-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: nw-resize;">This is example nw-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: nwse-resize;">This is example nwse-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: row-resize;">This is example row-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: s-resize;">This is example s-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: se-resize;">This is example se-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: sw-resize;">This is example sw-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: text;">This is example text</div><div style="background: red;cursor: vertical-text;">This is example vertical-text</div><div style="background: red;cursor: w-resize;">This is example w-resize</div><div style="background: red;cursor: wait;">This is example wait</div><div style="background: red;cursor: zoom-in;">This is example zoom-in</div>
This is example alias
This is example div
This is example auto
This is example cell
This is example zoom-out
This is example col-resize
This is example context-menu
This is example copy
This is example crosshair
This is example default
This is example e-resize
This is example ew-resize
This is example grab
This is example grabbing
This is example help
This is example move
This is example n-resize
This is example ne-resize
This is example nesw-resize
This is example pointer
This is example progress
This is example no-drop
This is example none
This is example not-allowed
This is example n-resize
This is example n-resize
This is example nw-resize
This is example nwse-resize
This is example row-resize
This is example s-resize
This is example se-resize
This is example sw-resize
This is example text
This is example vertical-text
This is example w-resize
This is example wait
This is example zoom-in
Content property is used with pseudo-elements. We will
learn pseudo-elements incoming posts.
The "clear" property controls the forward flow of floated elements. The
"clear" property specifies what should happen to the element that is with a
floating element. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;float: left;">This is example div 01</div><div style="background: red;clear: left;">This is example div 02</div>
This is example div 01
This is example div 02
CSS direction property define the direction of content of an element. It has
two property like "ltr" stands for left-to-right and "rtl" stands for
right-to-left. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;direction: ltr;">This is example ltr</div><div style="background: red;direction: rtl;">This is example rtl</div>
This is example ltr
This is example rtl
CSS display property is very popular, useful and important. It also has many
values which can be explained in a separate post. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;display: none; /* fully disappeared from display */">This is example div</div>
CSS font property is used to set text(font) color, style, face etc. This
Property can be described separately. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;font-family: cursive;font-style: italic;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
The CSS height property defines the height (vertical length) of any HTML
elements. Its value can be in different units as explained in the css unites
post. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;height: 20px;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
The left property is used along with other CSS properties, which we will
explain later.
Line Height
The CSS line-height property specifies the vertical length (height) of each
line of an element. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;line-height: 10px;">This is example 1 line first<br>This is example 1 line second</div><br><div style="background: black;line-height: 30px;color: white;">This is example 2 line first<br>This is example 2 line second</div>
This is example 1 line first
This is example 1 line second
This is example 1 line second
This is example 2 line first
This is example 2 line second
This is example 2 line second
Letter Spacing
CSS letter-spacing specifics space (distance) between each alphabet of a
word. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;letter-spacing: 0px;">This is example of 0px (0 = normal in this case) letter-spacing</div><br><div style="background: red;letter-spacing: 10px;">This is example of 0px letter-spacing</div>
This is example of 0px (0 = normal in this case) letter-spacing
This is example of 10px letter-spacing
List Style
The CSS margin property creates space around (outside) an element. We use it
when we want to keep two elements away from each other. The example is as
<div style="background: red;margin: 10px;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
There are four properties of margin. We will discus them later in details.
Max and Min
CSS max-property stands for maximum and min-property for minimum. These are
prefixes of width and height like height max-width. We use them with
responsive values like auto, 100%, -webkit-fill-available, max-content or
min-content. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;width: auto;max-width: 400px;min-width: 200px;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
An outline is a line drawn around elements, outside the borders, to make
the element "stand out". It also has multiple properties and values so
that will be explained later. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;border: 2px black solid;outline: 5px ridge cyan;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
The overflow property define how overflowed content should be printed.
It has multi-values. We will explain it later. The example is as
<div style="background: red;padding: 5px;max-width: 300px;max-height: 300px;overflow: auto; /* auto will add scrollbar if content overflowed */"><h2>What is Mr. Downloader and how it works?</h2>Mr. Downloader is a completely free tool for downloading (extracting) videos from YouTube.. There are many tools available for downloading YouTube videos but those tools cannot handle all YouTube videos. Our Tools is the first tool that allows you to download all YouTube videos in multiple ways as Direct (force to Download), Converted (Other videos or audio formates) and Backup (Orignal server Provided link) downloading options. It is highly recommended to know about the downloading options mentioned above before starting to use this tool. First copy the correct video link of any YouTube and paste it in the input field, then the URL will be processed and the result will be displayed. Once the download links appear, you can download the videos according to the guide below.</div>
What is Mr. Downloader and how it works?
Mr. Downloader is a completely free tool for downloading (extracting) videos from YouTube.. There are many tools available for downloading YouTube videos but those tools cannot handle all YouTube videos. Our Tools is the first tool that allows you to download all YouTube videos in multiple ways as Direct (force to Download), Converted (Other videos or audio formates) and Backup (Orignal server Provided link) downloading options. It is highly recommended to know about the downloading options mentioned above before starting to use this tool. First copy the correct video link of any YouTube and paste it in the input field, then the URL will be processed and the result will be displayed. Once the download links appear, you can download the videos according to the guide below.Padding
The CSS padding property is similar to the margin property. The main
difference between these properties is that margin adds space outside
the element while padding adds space inside the element. We will discuss
both in detail later.
The position property is an important CSS property. It defines the
positioning behavior of an element. The position property has five
positioning methods such as absolute, fix, relative, static and sticky. It
has some interesting features. We will discuss it in coming posts.
The resize property is used to define whether or not a element resizable by
user. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;">This is example div and it cannot be resized...</div><br><div style="background: red;resize: auto;overflow: auto;">This is example div and it can be resized because of CSS Resize property...</div>
This is example div and it cannot be resized...
This is example div and it can be resized because of CSS Resize
The right property is used along with other CSS properties, which we will
explain later.
The Text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of inline content
such as text and images within its parent block element, such as a heading or
paragraph. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;text-align: center;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
This property is used to decorate texts. It also has other properties and
values and will be studied later. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;text-decoration: underline;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
The text-indent CSS property specifies the indentation in the first line
of text within an element. It can be define as length or percentage. The
example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;text-indent: 80px;">This is example div</div><div style="background: red;text-indent: 50%;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
This is example div
The top property is used along with other CSS properties, which we will
explain later..
The Transform CSS property applies a transformation to an element in 2D or
3D space such as translate, rotate, scale, etc. It is a long topic and
some complicated but very important. We will be discussed later with fresh
The transition property is also an interesting property and has some
other properties and values, so it will be studied in detail later. The
example is as follows.
<style>.div-trans-test{background: red;transition: linear 1s;}.div-trans-test:hover{background: white;}</style><div class="div-trans-test">This is example div</div>
This is example div
Move cursor on above example div and check how transition work.
This vertical-align CSS property controls the vertical alignment of boxes
created by inline-level elements (typically text and images). This
property is very use full for special text and icon rendering. It will be
discussed in detail later. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;">This is example div<span style="vertical-align: super;">SupExample</span></div>
This is example div
The visibility CSS property specifies whether an element is visible on
screen or not. This is whether boxes created by an element are rendered
or not. Its has three values like visible, hidden and collapse.
The white-space CSS property specifies how whitespace such as spaces,
tabs, and newline characters are handled within elements. Will be
explained later.
The width CSS property defines the width of an element's content
area. This content does not include padding, borders or margins. It
can be define in
units. The example is as follows.
<div style="background: red;width: 80%;">This is example div</div>
This is example div
This property define how words will be break at end of line or how words
will jumped to next line. It has four values as normal (default), keep-all,
break-all and break-word. The examples are as follows.
<div style="background: red;word-break: keep-all;">It is list of 5 longest word of English: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Floccinaucinihilipilification, Incomprehensibility and Xenotransplantation</div>
It is list of 5 longest word of English:
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Floccinaucinihilipilification,
Incomprehensibility and Xenotransplantation
<div style="background: red;word-break: break-all;">It is list of 5 longest word of English: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Floccinaucinihilipilification, Incomprehensibility and Xenotransplantation</div>
It is list of 5 longest word of English:
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Floccinaucinihilipilification,
Incomprehensibility and Xenotransplantation
<div style="background: red;word-break: break-word;">It is list of 5 longest word of English: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Floccinaucinihilipilification, Incomprehensibility and Xenotransplantation</div>
It is list of 5 longest word of English:
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Floccinaucinihilipilification,
Incomprehensibility and Xenotransplantation
The word-spacing CSS property sets the spacing between words in text
content. It is similar to letter spacing except that it increases or decreases the spaces between words
which is indicated by its name 'word-spacing'.
The word-wrap has two values as normal which is default and second is
break-word which is similar to to word-break: break-all;.
The z-index property specifies the stacking and layering order of an element. An element with a higher z-index is always in front of an element with a lower z-index. It only works with relative, fixed, absolute or sticky value of css property 'position' and with direct flex items (with 'flex' value of css 'display' property as display: flex;). Without using z-index on positional elements, the last read element will overlap on top.Final Lines.
We have reviewed all CSS properties and studied some of them and some
properties marked as "to be studied or discussed later" means that these
Properties have a large scope and can be explained separately from this
article. We will study these abandoned properties one by one in detail in
upcoming posts.
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