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What is CSS display property and its related properties with example of all them


CSS display property is used to specify how an HTML element should be displayed on a web page. It controls the layout and visibility of an element.

The values of the CSS display property include:
  1. block: elements are displayed as blocks, taking up the full width of their parent container and creating a new line after them.
  2. inline: elements are displayed inline, taking up only as much space as necessary and not creating a new line after them.
  3. none: elements are not displayed at all and take up no space on the page.
  4. inline-block: elements are displayed inline, but can have a specified width and height.
  5. flex: elements are displayed as flexible boxes, allowing for flexible and responsive layout.
  6. grid: elements are displayed as a grid, allowing for two-dimensional layout.
  7. table: elements are displayed as a table, allowing for tabular data to be displayed in a structured format.
  8. list-item: elements are displayed as a list item, allowing for lists to be created using CSS.
  9. run-in: elements are displayed as a run-in, allowing for text to flow around them.


  • The CSS display property is a powerful tool for controlling the layout and visibility of elements on a web page.
  • With the display property, designers can easily switch between block, inline, and none modes to create dynamic and responsive designs.
  • The display property is a crucial aspect of CSS, allowing developers to fine-tune their layouts and create visually appealing designs.
  • The display property's flexibility allows for a wide range of design options, from simple and minimalistic to complex and intricate layouts.
  • By utilizing the CSS display property, designers can create visually stunning and engaging web pages that are optimized for all devices.
  • The display property is a fundamental building block of CSS, enabling developers to create responsive and adaptive designs that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • The display property allows for easy manipulation of elements, making it a valuable tool for creating dynamic and interactive web pages.
  • With the display property, designers can easily create visually appealing and engaging designs that are optimized for all devices and screen sizes.


Explain in Details.

Here is detail of its all values and values related properties.


CSS display block is a property that is used to set an HTML element to be a block-level element. This means that the element will take up the full width of its parent container, and any other elements following it will appear on a new line.

Here is an example of how to use the display block property in CSS:

    /* This CSS sets all <customelef1> elements to be display block */
    customelef1 {
        display: block;
    <customelef1 style="background: #00ffff;">It is custom element f1 01</customelef1>
    <customelef1 style="background: #00ff2a;">It is custom element f1 02</customelef1>

It is custom element f1 01 It is custom element f1 02
Without (display: block;):

    <customelef2 style="background: #00ffff;">It is custom element f2 01</customelef2>
    <customelef2 style="background: #00ff2a;">It is custom element f2 02</customelef2>

It is custom element f2 01 It is custom element f2 02


CSS display inline is a property that allows elements, such as divs, to be displayed on the same line as other elements, rather than taking up the full width of the container. This can be useful for creating horizontal layouts or for aligning elements side by side.

Example Code:

    /* div elements with class inline */
    div.inline {
        display: inline;
<div class="inline">This is a div</div>
<div class="inline">This is another div</div>

This is a div
This is another div
In this example, all div elements with class "inline "will be displayed inline, meaning they will take up only as much width as necessary and will be displayed on the same line as other elements. This will display the text "This is a div" and "This is another div" on the same line.
Note: Keep in mind that elements that are displayed inline will not be able to have a fixed width or height and will not be able to have padding or margins on the top and bottom.


CSS display: none; is a property that can be applied to HTML elements to remove them completely from the layout and hide them from view. It works by setting the element's display property to "none", which removes the element from the layout and makes it invisible to the user.

Here is an example of how to use display: none; in CSS:

    /* Hide the div with the ID "myDiv" */
    #myDiv {
        display: none;
<div id="myDiv">
    <p>This is a hidden paragraph.</p>
<b>Above div has no visibility nor taking any place.</b>

This is a hidden paragraph.

Above div has no visibility nor taking any place in viewport.
In this example, the div with the ID "myDiv" and its contents will be removed from the layout and hidden from view.
It's important to note that elements with display: none; will not take any space in the layout and will not affect the positioning of other elements on the page.


One of the possible values for CSS display property is "inline-block".
When an element has a display value of "inline-block", it is treated as an inline element (like a span or a link) but it can also have a width and a height specified. This means that the element will take up only as much space as necessary, but it will also be able to have padding, margins, and borders.

For example, consider the following HTML and CSS:

    div.inline-block span {
        display: inline-block;
        background-color: yellow;
        padding: 10px;
<div class="inline-block">

First Second Third
By default, the span elements will be displayed inline, so they will appear on the same line and take up only as much space as necessary. However as we give "span" elements (witch are direct chilled of a div element of class "inline-block") css which give them a "yellow" background color and 10px padding.
This will make the span elements appear on the same line, but they will now have a yellow background color and 10 pixels of padding around the text.

flex and grid:

Flex and Grid are both CSS layout methods that allow for the positioning of elements in a flexible and responsive manner.

Flex is a one-dimensional layout method, meaning it is used to arrange elements in a single row or column. It works by creating a flex container, and then placing elements within it as flex items. These items can then be aligned, spaced, and re-sized based on the container's size and the available space. Flex is ideal for simple layouts, such as navigation bars or lists.

Grid, on the other hand, is a two-dimensional layout method, meaning it is used to arrange elements in rows and columns. It works by creating a grid container, and then placing elements within it as grid items. These items can then be positioned using grid lines, and can span multiple rows and columns. Grid is ideal for more complex layouts, such as website grids or application interfaces.
Both Flex and Grid are powerful layout methods, and choosing between them depends on the specific requirements of the project. Flex is often the best choice for simple layouts, while Grid is better for more complex ones.

Go to Flex and Grid Explanation with codes and Preview


The CSS display property with value of "table" is used to create a table-like layout, where rows and columns are used to organize content.
Here is an example of how to use the "display: table" property:

    div.table {
        display: table;

    div.row {
        display: table-row;

    div.cell {
        display: table-cell;
        padding: 10px;
        border: 1px solid black;
<div class="table">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="cell">Row 1, Cell 1</div>
        <div class="cell">Row 1, Cell 2</div>
    <div class="row">
        <div class="cell">Row 2, Cell 1</div>
        <div class="cell">Row 2, Cell 2</div>

Row 1, Cell 1
Row 1, Cell 2
Row 2, Cell 1
Row 2, Cell 2

In this example, we have a container div with the class "table". Inside of this container, we have two divs with the class "row". Each "row" div contains two divs with the class "cell". The "table", "row", and "cell" classes all have the "display" property set to "table", "table-row", and "table-cell" respectively. This creates a table-like layout where the "cell" divs are organized into rows and columns. Additionally, we have added some padding to the "cell" divs to create some space between the content and the edges of the cells.

When rendered in a browser, this code will display a table with two rows and two columns, with the content "Row 1, Cell 1", "Row 1, Cell 2", "Row 2, Cell 1", and "Row 2, Cell 2" displayed in each cell.
Note: display: table-row; and display: table-cell; are also values of CSS display Property but effects only when they are used side by side with display: table; . The values "table-row" and "table-cell" are only used in conjunction with the "table" value for the display property. When an element has a display value of "table-row", it is treated as a row within a table, and when an element has a display value of "table-cell", it is treated as a cell within a table. These values only have an effect when they are used in combination with the "table" value for the display property, as it sets the context for the layout to be a table structure. Without the "table" value, "table-row" and "table-cell" have no effect on the layout.


The CSS display property is used to specify how an HTML element should be displayed on a webpage. The "list-item" value is used to display an element as a list item, similar to an <li> element in an unordered or ordered list.

Here is an example of using the "list-item" value to display a <div> element as a list item:

    .list-items {
        display: list-item;
        list-style-type: square;
<div class="list-items">items 1</div>
<div class="list-items">items 2</div>
<div class="list-items">items 3</div>

items 1
items 2
items 3
In this example, the three <div> elements with the class "list-item" are displayed as list items with a square bullet point. The "list-style-type" property is used to specify the type of bullet point, which can be set to different values such as "disc", "circle", "square", etc.
This can be useful for creating custom lists without having to use the <ul> or <ol> elements, or for adding list item styling to elements that are not typically used as list items.
Note: HTML & CSS list, list-style and list-style-type is a separate topic and explained in following Post:


The "run-in" value of CSS property "display" allows elements to be displayed next to each other on the same line, rather than on separate lines but this cab achieved with other properties like display: inline-block; .
It is important to note that run-in is not widely supported in modern browsers, so it may not work in all cases.

Final Lines.

In conclusion, the CSS display property is a powerful tool that allows developers to control the layout and visibility of elements on a webpage. It offers a wide range of values, including block, inline, inline-block, none, flex, grid, and table, each with its own unique characteristics and use cases. Understanding the different values and how they affect the layout of elements is crucial for creating efficient and visually pleasing web designs. Ultimately, the choice of display value will depend on the specific requirements of the project and the desired outcome.
Posted by Mnzr chauhan
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