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Comprehensive explanation of css property outline


The CSS outline property is used to create an outline around an element, which is a line that is drawn outside the element's border, but still within the element's padding. This property is often used to provide visual emphasis or to indicate focus on an element.

The Table of content is given below
  1.  Introduction 
  2.  Explain in Details 
  3.  Final Lines 


Usage of "CSS Outline Property" is same as usage of "CSS Border Property" but visal effects are differ. The main difference in this Property and Border pproperty is that it is only a line which which appear around element therefore it has not any radius effect like border-radius


Explain in Details.

Details of "CSS Border Property" is same as "CSS Border Property" like style, color, width, thickness shorthand format and longhand format.

Final Lines.

The CSS property "outline" is used to add a visual outline to an element, which can be useful for indicating focus or highlighting certain parts of a design. The "outline" property is similar to the "border" property, but it is not a part of the box model, meaning that it does not affect the layout of the element or its content. Instead, the "outline" is drawn outside of the element, usually as a thin line that surrounds it.
The "outline" property can be customized using various CSS properties, such as "outline-width" to set the thickness of the line, "outline-style" to set the style of the line (dashed, solid, etc.), and "outline-color" to set the color of the line. It's worth noting that the "outline" property should not be used to create complex designs or layouts, as it is primarily intended as a visual aid for focus and highlighting. Additionally, it's important to ensure that any use of the "outline" property is accessible, meaning that it should not interfere with the usability of the website for users with disabilities.
Overall, the "outline" property is a useful tool for designers and developers who want to add an extra layer of visual emphasis to their designs without affecting the layout or content of the element.
Posted by Mnzr chauhan
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